Monday, 12 June 2017

Telling time in Pitau 2 - A Human Clock!

What better way to explore clocks than to make a human clock!

But wait...

What do Pitau 2 know about clocks?

These are some of their ideas about clocks...

"Something that ticks," said Savanna

"It goes around and around and it never stops," said Hanlin

"The biggest number on the clock is 12," said Olivia

"Sometimes it has lines on it," said Isabelle

"Some of the numbers on the clock get big," said Emma

 Then we took our ideas about clocks outside to create a human clock.

Students were given the numbers on a clock and began to arrange them onto our clock.

We discovered that the numbers 12, 6, 3, and 9 are opposite one another on a clock.

It was great to see our clock slowly coming together.

We did it!

Finally we showed a variety of times using skipping ropes that
represented the arms on a clock. 


  1. So great to be able to see some of the activities on here. This one inspired a clock conversation at home with Felicity.

  2. Cool it's great to see year twos and threes being able to tell the time so early.

  3. Cool it's great to see year twos and threes being able to tell the time so early.
